OSM Accounting Session
30 September 2023
Do you already use the accounting section in OSM or are you considering if it can make your accounting easier? Then this maybe the session for you.
We’ve had a few people come forward to ask about both accounting and prepaid cards within OSM and we can tell you from experience that the accounting features really do make life easier for you. We have therefore put together a training session on exactly this.
It doesn’t matter if you are already using the tool or you are just considering it, we will walk through it all. If you would like to come along please register using the link below.
This session is aimed at Treasurers & Group Scout Leaders, Group Chairs may also get some value from it too.
The session will take place on Monday 13th November from 7pm. We expect the session to last around 2 hours.
We are also looking at running a wider OSM session for Section Leaders, so keep an eye out for that one which we will be sharing soon.
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