Big Help Out
1 May 2024
What is Big Help Out?
Big Help Out brings millions of people from across the UK to join the biggest mass volunteering event of the year. The campaign empowers influential organisations like ours, by providing a brilliant platform to recruit new volunteers that will go on to support important missions that benefit our communities. Thousands of organisations and individuals will take part!
What are Basingstoke East doing, and how can I get invovled?
Basingstoke East and West districts are working together to raise awareness of scouting and hopefully encourage people to volunteer.
Last year the Zara retail unit in Festival place was home to scouting activities for the day. Sumo suits, soft archery, mini pioneering, craft, challenge boxes to name a few.
We’re currently working with Festival Place to secure a new space for Saturday 8th June, to once again re-create these scouting actvities.
We need some willing volunteers to help with this event. Click here to let us know if you can help out.
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