Inclusion & Diversity Open House Chat

Basingstoke East Hub

Our Inclusion & Diversity leads, with guests, will be available at the hub, to talk through any challenges with youth...

District Squirrel Leaders Meeting

Basingstoke East Hub

This is a chance for all Squirrel Leadership teams across Basingstoke East to gather together, share ideas, resources and useful...

Around the World in 180 minutes

Beavers will be joining us for an event of fun, games and international activities. For more information contact

Big Sleepout

Following on from the success of last year's event, Scouts will be taking part in The Big Sleepoout in support...

District Hike 2024

Cubs and Scouts will be joining in small groups to test their navigational skills as they work along a route...

Training Validation Drop-in

Basingstoke East Hub

To help with training validations, we're offering drop-in sessions where adults can book a 30-minute session to come along to...

4 Kingdoms

Beavers will be once again attending 4 Kingdoms for a day full of activities and fun.

St George’s Promise Renewal 2024

Basingstoke East Hub

This event is open to all volunteers accross Basingstoke East, and is an opporunty to renew their promise. RSVP Here