Digital Communication & Email Platforms

Digital Communication & Email Platforms

We use the industry leading Microsoft 365 for Non-Profits platform for our email, document storage, collaboration and online conferencing tools. With these tools that Microsoft offer we use these across all groups within the district.

For managing your group we are pleased to offer groups Online Scout Manager up to a Gold level for free. We would strongly recommend that groups take the email platform upgrade to communicate directly with parents and members in a safe and secure manner.

You will need to be logged in to access these forms

What is Microsoft 365?


Microsoft 365 is a leading tool for communication & collaboration. It allows us to provide a safe environment in which to store our data and communicate with each other.

It is important that all leaders/exec committee members are using an official Scouting email account and not personal or free email accounts. 

Why do we use it?

We use Microsoft 365 to provide a safe space in which to collaborate with other leaders and volunteers. You can safely share programmes, discuss you section, etc.

What we do get?

Each user gets

  • Web versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook
  • 1TB of OneDrive secure online storage
  • Personal Scouting email address with 50 GB inbox
  • Unlimited online meetings, IM and audio
  • Microsoft Teams (web and desktop)
  • Access to smart device apps
What is teams?

Microsoft Teams is an amazing collaborative tool. You can have online video meetings, set up webinars and chat directly with other users. It also allows a space to share ideas and issues.

What is Online Scout Manager?


Online Scout Manager (OSM) is designed by Scout leaders for Scout Leaders. It is your all in one place to safely manage your young person records. It makes the admin side of your role take so much less time as well as ensuring you are meeting data protection requirements.

OSM allows you to keep personal and badge records, attendance registers, communicate directly with parents, take subs payments and much much more.

Why do we use it?

Put simply….it reduces your admin time by over half!

It also means that all records on your young people are totally safe.

What we do get?

District will provide each section with a Gold subscription.

It is highly recommended that groups update this to take full advantage of the parent portal features.

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