Young Leaders
Who are Young Leaders?
Young leaders are aged between 14 and 18 and work alongside adult leaders to ensure that young people really get the chance to shape their own Scouting adventures. You can be a Young Leader in a Beaver Scout Colony, Cub Scout Pack or Scout Troop. You can find out more about the Young Leader scheme on the Scouts website here.
Here are the basic facts:
- Young Leaders are Explorer Scouts aged 14 to 18.
- As a Young Leader, you will work with the younger sections in Scouting: Beavers, Cubs or Scouts.
- As a Young Leader, you will help adult leaders to plan and run meetings and events.
- All Young Leaders are also Explorer Scouts.
- The scheme is also open to young people who are undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) programme or the Queen’s Guide Award.
- You will get to take part in training that is flexible, practical and devised to equip you with skills you need to work well with younger people.
- You can still take part in your usual Explorer activities as well as joining a local District Young Leader Unit.

As a Leader – What do I need to know?
The Young Leaders scheme is for Explorer Scouts aged between 14 & 18 and offers young people a way to help out within scouting, develop their leadership and planning skills and earn awards, they may also use the scheme to complete elements of a DofE Award or Top Scout Awards. Young Leaders are an integral part of the leadership team.
The scheme is broken down into 2 areas:
Training (Modules)
This raining is offered to young leaders (YL’s) to assist them, it is similar to Adult training but not as intensive. All YL’s MUST complete Module A within 3 months of undertaking the role. The rest of the modules should be completed at the earliest opportunity (but they are optional), but they’ll be unable to get their Buckle without completing the training.
Evidence of training should be sent to the YL team here.
The Missions
There are 4 missions and they form the badge work elements of the YL award, they are practical opportunities for the YL’s to run a game / activity / meeting / session.
They are staged in such a way as to enable the YL to put into practice their module training, develop and improve their skills and abilities until they are able to plan and lead a couple of sessions.
They are observed at each stage, and as their Section Leader; we ask that you complete an assessment form on how they have performed, record their progress and what they need to work on.
This form should then be sent to our YL team via here.
On completion of their Module A, they are awarded the YL badge and YL name tape, then as they complete a Mission to the required standard, they will receive a Mission Stripe to place around their YL badge. On completion of all the training and all 4 Missions, they will be awarded their YL Buckle and Service award.
Leader Resources
This section is put together to help you support your Young Leaders.
Register A Young Leader
We ask that you add your Young Leader to your OSM account with all their information (like you would a Beaver/Cub/Scout), and then share their profile with Basingstoke East Young Leaders on OSM, and then you submit the below form.
We’ll then get them setup, and ensure they are booked onto a Module A course ASAP.
If a Young Leader leaves, please email
We’ll regularly contact all Young Leaders about upcoming training opportunities. You can track what training your Young Leader has completed by visiting here.
Please use the forms below to track Young Leaders progress towards their missions, and then submit them here.